Now also on WhatsApp: Stein.Kunst.Werk. is closer than ever before!
Have you always wondered what lies behind the unique products from Stein.Kunst.Werk.? Then I have great news for you: We have opened an official WhatsApp channel through which you can be even closer to our creative process and our products!
Stein.Kunst.Werk. is known for its high-quality, handcrafted home accessories and decorations that are inspired by nature. Now you can contact us even more directly and always stay up to date with new products, promotions and exciting insights behind the scenes.
Stay up to date
With our WhatsApp channel, we involve you even more closely in our events. As a subscriber, you receive exclusive information before it becomes public - be it about new products, special offers or exciting projects. This way, you are guaranteed not to miss anything important and are always up to date.
Simply register and get started
Joining our WhatsApp channel is easy: click on the link to register. You're in and will now receive our latest news directly on your smartphone.
Exclusive content for our subscribers
As a subscriber to the Stein.Kunst.Werk. WhatsApp channel, you can expect not only the latest product information. We also give you exciting insights behind the scenes of our work - from the idea generation to the production of our unique pieces. You also have the opportunity to contact us directly and share your wishes and suggestions.
So what are you waiting for? Join our WhatsApp channel today and get excited about our news, promotions and inspiration. We look forward to bringing you even closer to our brand!
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